kc4zvw . org

Welcome to the KC4ZVW projects site

Amateur radio, Microcontrollers, Test Equipment & other electronic projects


My name is David and I have been an Amateur Radio operator since the early 1990’s.

My first interest was in 2-meter packet radio and I had a Icom 2AT handheld tranceiver and a Paccomm Tiny-2 TNC.

Today I have more equipment such as Icom T7H dual-band HT and several more TNCs and sound card interfaces. This site is to hopefully document the projects that I might complete in the 21st century.

Interests include:


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The main website for the KC4ZVW amateur radio station.

C O N T E N T S :

Radio and Electronic Projects


  1. Project List #1 — (O220)
  2. Project List #2 — KC4ZVW projects
  3. Project List #3 — Area51
  1. QCX-mini 5W CW Transceiver
  2. BitX-20 Transceiver
  3. BitX-20 Case
  4. DEMI 70cm preamp
  5. K4DSP FSKit Interface
  6. KK7B signal sources & converters
  7. K1EL Morse code keyer
  8. NHRC-2 repeater controller
  9. One Watt-er — Kits & Parts (here)
  10. PIC-EL project board
  11. Si-570 USB controlled oscillator
  12. 30 meters
  13. The Sawdust Receiver
  14. TAK-40 CW/SSB HB transceiver
  15. WSPR receiver
  16. SDR QRP receiver
  17. SDR QRP transmitter
  18. Other smaller projects

Other Projects:

  1. Microchip PICkit 2 programmer
  2. The Motorola service monitor
  3. Workbench Pictures
  4. Local Repeaters
  5. Lab 001 — Equipment and parts list


  1. ARRL Handbook
  2. Bread-board and test leads
  3. Calculator
  4. Capacitor meter
  5. Catalogs
  6. Electric drill
  7. Frequency counter
  8. Hot Glue gun
  9. Junk boxes
  10. Laboratory notebooks
  11. Laboratory power supply
  12. Microscope & lighting
  13. Multimeter
  14. Needle-nose pliers
  15. Oscilloscope
  16. Pliers, connector
  17. RF frequency generator
  18. Rotary tool & stand
  19. Shortwave receiver
  20. Small wrenches
  21. Software
  22. Solder wick & puller
  23. Solder, rosin core
  24. Temperature-controlled soldering iron
  25. Threaded taps

Local Repeater Links

  1. Facebook: 147.120 repeater group
  2. KR4KZ repeater (147.120)
  3. The Tech Net WordPress blog
  4. The Tech Net Mediawiki site
  5. Groups.io Forum: 147.120 Projects

General Links

  1. AA0ZZ projects
  2. American QRP Club
  3. AMRAD.org Club
  4. AVR development forum
  5. Central Florida Geeks forum
  6. Chat with the Designers (CWTD)
  7. Directive Systems Antennas
  8. Down East Microwave
  9. KK7B DSP Modules
  10. QWCA: Citrus chapter
  11. Ham Radio Workbench: podcasts
  12. Radio Experimenter's Soldersmoke
  13. Setting up a 44Net gateway on Linux
  14. The 5by9 web site (.US) version
  15. The 5by9 web site (.club) version
  16. The 5by9 web site (.biz) version

Office Hours/Core Town Hall

  1. The tenth meeting of FreeBSD Office Hours — September 2020


  1. Files for Beagle Bone project
  2. Radio scripts
  3. The author at Field Day
  4. The Test Equipment built for workbench
  5. The Count down to local radio events.
  6. Updated photos of current projects
  7. See the "local" virtual business card
  8. Feeling lucky punk?

Other Links

  1. The blogspot site of the KC4ZVW amateur radio station.
  2. The WordPress site of the KC4ZVW amateur radio station.
  3. The web site of amateur radio for KC4ZVW.
  4. Here is the location of the ’Orlando’ 220MHz repeaters web site.
  5. Here is the location of the ’Orlando’ Weak Signal web site.
  6. Here is the location of the K7MDL’s weak signal projects web site.
  7. The website of the Orlando BSD Users Group.
  8. Here is the location of the experimental site.
  9. MicroPython for micro-controllers — (hardware)
  10. An analog and digital clocks showing local and UTC time zones.
  11. A short list of tutorials for basic electronics.
  12. A short list of proposed projects for Basic radio/electronics workshop.
  13. A short list of parts for first Basic radio/electronics workshop.
  14. A quick set of notes for building a 222 MHz yagi antenna.
  15. A short list of simulators for electronics.
  16. A short list of QRPp transmitter for electronics.
  17. Welcome to the Orlando 147.120 MHz Repeater Group.
  1. Open in IDE
  1. If you have comments or suggestions, contact David — (KC4ZVW)

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Revised: Sunday, February 09, 2025 at 22:50:54 PM (EST)